CommunityIMPACT, Inc.

Reasonable Interpretation by Executive Director

Reasonable Interpretation by Executive Director

The Board of Directors delegate the Reasonable Interpretation of board polices to the Executive Director.



  1. The Board of Directors expects statements from the Executive Director which express a reasonable interpretation of the Policy for application and monitoring compliance.
  1. Executive Director writes the Reasonable Interpretations and monitoring compliance (cost, benefit, beneficiary) for Milestones;
  1. Executive Director writes the Reasonable Interpretations and monitoring compliance (cost, benefit, beneficiary) for Executive Limitations;
  1. Board may write two sentences and the Executive Director writes two paragraphs illustrating his/her reasonable interpretation;
  1. To avoid legalism and to inspire the creativity of the Executive Director, Reasonable Interpretation grants latitude within interpretation so long as control is retained by the Board of Directors.



Adopted:  November, 2007  |  Modified: January, 2008  |  Printed: January, 2013