CommunityIMPACT, Inc.

Orientation of New Directors

Orientation of New Directors

In order for newly elected Directors to be fully oriented to CommunityIMPACT, all new Directors shall be:

1)       Prepared for our annual Ends Retreat in January.  Specifically,

a)       Conduct environmental scan (strength, weakness, opportunities, obstacles);

b)       Ensure Target accuracy;

c)       Revise Values Owners Connection Plan.

2)       Offered an introduction to CommunityIMPACT, Inc. inclusive of, in the least, the following elements:

a)       Overview of Policy Governance: its value, implementation, and practice.

b)       CommunityIMPACT’s History;

c)       Ends Statements (Theological Mandate, Community Need, Vision, and Mission);

d)       Reasonable Interpretation of Board Ends;

e)       Overview of responsibilities, requirements, and expectations required of each Board member according to our Governance Process policies.

This meeting should take place not more than three (3) weeks after election to serve on the CommunityIMPACT, Inc. Board of Directors.


New members should have at least two (2) of the following suggested activities before January to begin to build a relationship with other Board members.

1)       Meet with CGO at a complimentary luncheon, along with one Board Director.

2)       Have informal meet and greet at one Director’s home, with not more than two (2) members present so as to prevent a quorum.

3)       Take a tour of our ministry headquarters to meet our Executive Director.




Drafted:  June, 2012 |  Modified: June, 2012  |  Printed: October, 2013