CommunityIMPACT, Inc.

Evaluation Tool Guide

Evaluation Tool Guide

(1)     As we seek to establish policies beyond personality and circumstance, CommunityIMPACT is guided by the principles of Policy Governance.  Were you able to review the policy binder and would you be willing to lead this organization accordingly?

(2)     You have been recommended for Board consideration because of your local fruitfulness in missional ministry.  How might you describe God’s call upon your life at this particular moment?  What does your heart passionately beat for in relation to impacting our communities with the hope of Jesus and His Church.

(3)     CommunityIMPACT desires to free pastors to pray and preach while unleashing believers for their missional ministry.  How might you see yourself as a visionary leader willing to advance the organization, CommunityIMPACT? How would this expanded opportunity to serve fit with the rest of your current ministry profile?


(4)     We would appreciate a brief overview of your spiritual biography. And we would happy to share ours with you. How do you currently balance daily devotions, family, and career in the midst of a busy life?


(5)    Do you have any questions for us?


(6)    Would you be willing if we advance your nomination for consideration as a prospective Board member?  We assemble four times each year, one of whichis a Friday/Saturday retreat.



Drafted:  March, 2011 |  Modified: March, 2011  |  Printed:  May, 2013