The primary purpose of CommunityIMPACT, Inc.’s Board of Directors is to glorify God through serving as the stewards of our Values Owners in governing this organization. The basis of governance policies are the principles for Policy Governance,® Christian values, and legal compliance. Specifically: As stewards, the Board: a.…
Board Member Qualifications
Each member of the Board of Directors shall be a professing and exemplary Christian as prescribed in the Founders’ Statement of Faith (V.A) for CommunityIMPACT, Inc.. Specifically, the Board member will: Support the values, vision, and mission of CommunityIMPACT, Inc.; Make Board membership a priority in their life with…
Board Job Descriptions
The Board of Directors, in serving as the stewards of the Values Owners, shall establish the organizational ends and monitor organizational performance. Specifically, the Board will: Listen to, and communicate with, the Values Owners; Enact and review written governance policies that address: Ends Executive Limitations Board / Director Relations…
Board Member Responsibilities
For the Board to function effectively as a corporate person, each Board member must fulfill their unique role for which they were selected to be on this Board. Specifically: Before agreeing to be on the Board each prospect will understand and accept their unique role and responsibility; Board members…
Board Member Code of Conduct
Every intention and action of each Board member is aligned with Christ-like integrity and obedience. Specifically, each Board member must: Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information and never use such information for personal gain; Support every Board decision, even if personally opposed, and will not make private or public…
Discipline for Policy Violations
If an individual Board member intentionally violates the Board Member Responsibilities (III.D) or Board Member Code of Conduct (III.E) policies, disciplinary action is required. Specifically: The Chief Governance Official (CGO) will be promptly informed of the alleged violation. If the CGO is accused, the Vice-Governance Officer (VGO) will be promptly…
Governance Policy Review
Governance policies shall be the basis for all Board deliberation and action. Specifically: Policies shall be brief, clear, future-oriented and reflect the organization’s values; Policies will provide the opportunity for Reasonable Interpretation by the Chief Governance Official (Governance Process and Board/Director Relations) and Executive Director (Ends and Executive Limitations); Policies…
Annual Governance Calendar
The annual governance calendar identifies tasks and activities to ensure that all elements of the Board job descriptions are fulfilled. Specifically, tasks and activities include: Review and evaluate governance policies for relevancy; Monitor staff compliance with Ends and Executive Limitation policies; Monitor Board compliance with Governance Process and Board/Director…
Board Meeting Agenda
Every Board meeting will have an agenda that defines in advance the items to be addressed. Specifically: The primary source for Board meeting agenda items will be the annual Governance Calendar; The Chief Governance Official, with the assistance of the Executive Director, will develop Board meeting agendas; The agenda…
Board Member Selection Process
Board member selection and development will be a continual process involving all Board members. The objective of this process is systematic identification, preparation, and succession that maintains the continuity and integrity of the Board. Specifically: All Board members will be responsible for cultivating relationships with persons who may meet…
Board Officer Roles & Responsibilities
The only elected Board officers are the Chief Governance Official (C.G.O.) and Vice Governance Official (V.G.O.). The responsibility of the Chief Governance Official is to maintain the integrity of the governance process and represent the Board to outside parties. The Vice Governance Official shall assume the responsibilities if the Chief…
Task Groups
Board Task Groups will be given specific assignments and operating parameters that support the Board in functioning as a whole. Specifically, Board Task Groups will: Assist the Board’s decision-making by preparing options related to policies and identifying implications for consideration and further development by the full Board; Refrain from…
Funds for Governance
The Board shall annually budget funds to maintain and improve its governance capacity for effectiveness. Specifically, the Board will allocate funds to: Provide education and training opportunities for the Board and individual members; Obtain outside monitoring assistance so the Board can exercise confident control over organizational performance. This includes…
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
This Conflict of Interest policy governs the activities of the Board and staff of CommunityIMPACT, Inc. It is the duty of all Board members and staff to be aware of this policy, and to identify conflicts of interest and situations that may result in the appearance of a conflict and…
Values Owners Connections
Regular two-way communication between the Board and the Values Owners is imperative. Therefore, the Board will develop an annual strategic communication plan involving each Board member and all Values Owners: Continue with the identification of new and prospective Values Owners; Match Board members and Values Owners to maximize…
Board Evaluation & Development
The Board will participate in an ongoing self-evaluation process to determine its effectiveness in governing CommunityIMPACT, Inc. and create an annual Board Development Plan to address deficiencies. Specifically, the Board will: Appoint one member to complete a Meeting Evaluation form and offer an oral report at the end of…