Founders; Board of Director Alumni; Taxpayers; Donors; Volunteers; Supporting Congregations; Church-Assisting Bodies. I.D Adopted: January, 2007 | Modified: January, 2017
Strategic Initiatives (2018)
Reach Educators (Daniel Weekend), Hunters (Trophies of Grace), & Pastors (Christ Together); Launch N.O.A.H.H. beyond Outagamie County; Launch CRM for immediate dashboard metrics and engagement activity; Launch Wesleyan Covenant Association in Wisconsin; Days of Caring – Delta County, Michigan; Fall Summit at GLCC: Men | Daniel Weekend | Journey of…
Strategic Programs
United We Serve Prayer Assist Pray Network …
Strategic Products
Governance Retreats $ 3,500.00 / organization Eldership Development …
Milestones (2016-2018)
Deploy Evening of Encouragements & Plant P.I.T. and P.E.N.s in Wisconsin & 906; Develop Statewide Teams in Every County in Wisconsin and 906; Deploy NeighbOURhood Leagues & Expand Mission of Hope Communities; Strategically Engage in Community Initiatives Aligned to our Riddle Resolutions. I.I Adopted: March, 2007 | Modified: January…
Target (2018)
We pray by the end of 2018, EVERY person in Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula has an ongoing tangible relationship with a believing neighbor who shows God’s love and unveils the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I.H Adopted: January, 2007 | Modified: March 2016
Strategic Direction
Free pastors to pray, preach, and proclaim with increased territory to shepherd; Increase the capacity of the believers to lead; Mobilize members as neighborhood missionaries at school, work, and neighborhoods; Measurably track community impact in communities served by CommunityIMPACT, Inc.: (a) Ensure every child is prepared for Kindergarten with a…
Theological Mandate
We hold these spiritual mandates to be Biblically evident: Christ desires that His Church powerfully bear fruit, yet we are becoming culturally irrelevant; God continues to call individuals and groups for apostolic ministries to identify, equip and unleash the saints and their gifts for ministry; God’s purposes extend beyond the…
Community Need
Local congregations are often ready and willing to submit to Christ and collaborate with other parts of Christ’s body, but lack the means or the skills to be effective. I.C Adopted: January, 2007 | Modified: September, 2007 | Printed: January, 2013
Core Values Principles
We are ultimately accountable to Jesus Christ, God’s Son, the only Savior, and Lord of all. Our ultimate guide for Truth and direction are the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. We will operate with integrity to achieve excellence in all matters. We will challenge one another, and those…
Primary Customer
The local congregation [High Impact Family] Community-based organizations [AbundantlyWELL] I.F Adopted: January, 2007 | Modified: May, 2014
Local congregations and community-based organizations collaborating to serve their community. Specifically, local congregations served by CommunityIMPACT, Inc. are faith communities that: Are publicly identified through their discipled relationship with our Triune God, and their members’ love for one another; Passionately love the unsaved while seeking justice and mercy for…
Milestone (2014)
Continue to provide servant leadership among the missional pastors by providing coordinated communication and results-oriented collaboration. Northeast Wisconsin Pastors Encouragement Networks Harrison, Wisconsin Incorporation & Economic Development New London, Wisconsin Homelessness…
Our Mission is to be a catalyst for creatively unleashing abundant resources so as to offer communities authentic community. Specifically CommunityIMPACT, Inc. provides: Local congregations with creative solutions and resources to mobilize their members to serve the Lord within their family, neighborhood, school, workplace, and community; Community-based organizations (non-profits,…