CommunityIMPACT, Inc.

Board Member Code of Conduct

Board Member Code of Conduct

Every intention and action of each Board member is aligned with Christ-like integrity and obedience.


Specifically, each Board member must:

  1. Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information and never use such information for personal gain;
  1. Support every Board decision, even if personally opposed, and will not make private or public statements contrary to the decisions of the Board;
  1. Declare a potential duality of interest that may exist regarding an impending Board decision;
  1. Handle complaints or conflicts regarding the services or staff of CommunityIMPACT, Inc. in accord with CommunityIMPACT, Inc.’s Conflict Management Policy document;
  1. Treat other Board members and staff with civility, respect, and address these conflicts through the Conflict Management Policy leading to restoration;
  1. Not enter into the day-to-day operations of CommunityIMPACT, Inc. unless as a volunteer at the discretion of the Executive Director;
  1. Refrain from speaking on behalf of the Board, unless designated to do so by the Board.
  1. Noncompliance with the Code of Conduct policy may result in removal from the Board in accord with the Discipline Process for Policy Violations (III.F).



Adopted:  August, 2007  |  Modified: January, 2008  |  Printed: January, 2013