CommunityIMPACT, Inc.

Board Meeting Agenda

Board Meeting Agenda

Every Board meeting will have an agenda that defines in advance the items to be addressed.



  1. The primary source for Board meeting agenda items will be the annual Governance Calendar;
  1. The Chief Governance Official, with the assistance of the Executive Director, will develop Board meeting agendas;
  1. The agenda and supporting documents will be distributed to Board members at least one week prior to the Board meeting;
  1. Board members report on Ends and Means and planning for connecting with the Values Owners;
  1. Regular agenda items will include:

a.  Executive Session (without the Executive Director);

b.  Review and approve minutes from prior meeting;

c.  Review Annual Governance Calendar;

d.  Review progress toward achieving the annual Connect with Values Owners Communication Plan(III.N);

e.  Review compliance with selected Executive Limitations;

f.  Review progress toward achieving the one-year milestones.

g.  Reports from task groups;

h.  Evaluation of Board meeting by assigned member using standard evaluation form.

  1. Board meetings will be held as often as necessary to fulfill its responsibilities but no less  than quarterly;



Adopted:  September, 2007  |  Modified: January, 2008  |  Printed: January, 2013