The Executive Director shall not cause or allow any organizational practice, activity, decision or circumstance that violates historical orthodox biblical leadership standards. These include, but are not limited to, unlawful, imprudent and unethical business and professional practices. Accordingly, the Executive Director shall not: Make policy decisions which fail to…
Theological Mandate
We hold these spiritual mandates to be Biblically evident: Christ desires that His Church powerfully bear fruit, yet we are becoming culturally irrelevant; God continues to call individuals and groups for apostolic ministries to identify, equip and unleash the saints and their gifts for ministry; God’s purposes extend beyond the…
Communication & Counsel to Board
The Executive Director shall not permit the Board to be uninformed or unsupported in its work. Executive Director’s Interpretation “Uninformed” refers to all information about organizational operation relevant to Board responsibility. “Unsupported” refers to receiving logistical assistance necessary to fulfill the Board roles. Accordingly, the Executive Director…
Community Need
Local congregations are often ready and willing to submit to Christ and collaborate with other parts of Christ’s body, but lack the means or the skills to be effective. I.C Adopted: January, 2007 | Modified: September, 2007 | Printed: January, 2013
Services & Program
The Executive Director shall not permit the organization to be involved in services and programs which do not directly move the organization to the achievement of the Board-clarified Ends. Executive Director’s Interpretation Objectives, decisions, and outcomes must directly address the Community Need in compliance with Core Value Principles while…
Core Values Principles
We are ultimately accountable to Jesus Christ, God’s Son, the only Savior, and Lord of all. Our ultimate guide for Truth and direction are the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. We will operate with integrity to achieve excellence in all matters. We will challenge one another, and those…
Treatment of Consumers
With respect to interactions with consumers or those applying to be consumers, the Executive Director shall not: Executive Director’s Interpretation “Interactions is any form of engagement with consumers. “Consumer” is an individual or organization paying for service/s. “Applying to be Consumers” are individuals or organizations considering paying for service/s.…
Primary Customer
The local congregation [High Impact Family] Community-based organizations [AbundantlyWELL] I.F Adopted: January, 2007 | Modified: May, 2014
Treatment of Staff
The Executive Director shall not, in relating to staff: Deviate from local, state, or federal laws or regulations related to the treatment of staff and volunteers; Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations Executive Director shall report corrective measure to the CGO, or to the VGO if…
Local congregations and community-based organizations collaborating to serve their community. Specifically, local congregations served by CommunityIMPACT, Inc. are faith communities that: Are publicly identified through their discipled relationship with our Triune God, and their members’ love for one another; Passionately love the unsaved while seeking justice and mercy for…
Compensation & Benefits
The Executive Director shall not: Provide employees compensation and benefits which exceed prevalent standards in the area; Executive Director’s Interpretation “Compensation” includes salary and applicable benefits (vacation, sick days, housing allowance). “Exceed” is beyond reasonable scope. “Prevalent” is common. “Standards” are in accordance with surveys provided by area Chamber…
Milestone (2014)
Continue to provide servant leadership among the missional pastors by providing coordinated communication and results-oriented collaboration. Northeast Wisconsin Pastors Encouragement Networks Harrison, Wisconsin Incorporation & Economic Development New London, Wisconsin Homelessness…
Financial Condition
The Executive Director shall not jeopardize the long-term financial strength of CommunityIMPACT, Inc.. Executive Director’s Interpretation “Jeopardize” means to expose to danger or risk. “Financial Strength” refers to the financial sustainability of the organization. Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations The Executive Director will work with…
Financial Planning
The Executive Director shall not, with respect to planning and budgeting for any fiscal year, deviate materially from Board stated Ends, risk fiscal jeopardy, or fail to show a reasonable level of foresight. Executive Director’s Interpretation “Planning” are the Strategic Initiatives. “Deviate from Board Stated Ends” would be including Strategic…
Our Mission is to be a catalyst for creatively unleashing abundant resources so as to offer communities authentic community. Specifically CommunityIMPACT, Inc. provides: Local congregations with creative solutions and resources to mobilize their members to serve the Lord within their family, neighborhood, school, workplace, and community; Community-based organizations (non-profits,…
Asset Protection
The Executive Director shall not risk organizational assets by: Executive Director’s Interpretation “Organizational Assets” includes buildings, equipment, financial reserves, and intellectual property. Failing to obtain adequate property and liability insurance; Executive Director’s Interpretation “Adequate” means not over-insured, nor under-insured. Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His…
Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be inspired and infallible. Holy Scriptures are the only authoritative Word of God and our practical guide for daily living. We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our…
Document Type: Appendix Document Title: Organizational Bylaws Article One Name The name of the organization shall be CommunityIMPACT, Inc., It is incorporated in the State of Wisconsin as a non-stock, not-for-profit organization. Article Two Purpose As set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, the purpose of this corporation, a…