The annual governance calendar identifies tasks and activities to ensure that all elements of the Board job descriptions are fulfilled.
Specifically, tasks and activities include:
- Review and evaluate governance policies for relevancy;
- Monitor staff compliance with Ends and Executive Limitation policies;
- Monitor Board compliance with Governance Process and Board/Director Relations policies through an online policy evaluation in August. The full Board reviews survey results and revises policies according to the Governance Calendar (III.H);
- Evaluate Executive Director and determine compensation changes;
- Create, implement, and evaluate on-going communication, listening, and feedback activities with Values Owners at every Board meeting;
- Nominate Board officers and members to fill vacancies;
- Elect Board officers and members to fill vacancies;
- Meet with an auditor annually with the Executive Director present and also in executive session;
- Annual orientation of new Board members following election and no later than November 15;
- Annual retreat to review the strategic plan developed by staff and identification of strategic issues and opportunities to be addressed in next year’s strategic plan
Adopted September, 2007 | Modified: January, 2009 | Printed: January, 2013