CommunityIMPACT, Inc.

Compensation & Benefits

Compensation & Benefits

The Executive Director shall not:


  1. Provide employees compensation and benefits which exceed prevalent standards in the area;

Executive Director’s Interpretation

“Compensation” includes salary and applicable benefits (vacation, sick days, housing allowance).

“Exceed” is beyond reasonable scope.   “Prevalent” is common.

“Standards” are in accordance with surveys provided by area Chamber of Commerce or other available publishing sources.


Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations

Executive Director will provide Board of Directors with determination sources, upon request.



  1. Fail to properly process employee taxes and other withholdings.

Executive Director’s Interpretation

“Employee Taxes and other Withholdings” refer to reports and payments to government entities appropriate to the employment status.


Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations

Annually, all staffs will receive a survey in which they are asked one or more questions related to any difficulties encountered internally or with tax authorities.  The Executive Director provides a summary of the survey to the Board of Directors.



Adopted:  June, 2007  |  Modified: January, 2013  |  Printed: January, 2013