CommunityIMPACT, Inc.

Communication & Counsel to Board

Communication & Counsel to Board

The Executive Director shall not permit the Board to be uninformed or unsupported in its work.


Executive Director’s Interpretation

“Uninformed” refers to all information about organizational operation relevant to Board responsibility.  “Unsupported” refers to receiving logistical assistance necessary to fulfill the Board roles. 



Accordingly, the Executive Director shall not:


  1. Fail to inform the Board of actual or anticipated:

Executive Director’s Interpretation

         “Inform” may be direct conversation, phone call, email, or other written means. 

         “Actual” are issues that have happened in the past or a current reality in the present.

         “Anticipated” are issues that are probable and cause for concern.


a.  Legal actions;

Executive Director’s Interpretation

                              “Legal Action” imply situations worthy of an attorney or legal counsel.


 b.  Financial concerns;

Executive Director’s Interpretation

                             “Financial Concerns” may be financial trends, budget issues, or fiscal crisis.


c.  Change in status for the Executive Director.

Executive Director’s Interpretation

“Change in Status” may reference an extended leave of absence or resignation.


2.  Fail to advise the Board, if in the Executive Director’s opinion, the Board is not in compliance with its own policies on Governance Process and Board-Executive Director Relationship, particularly in the case of Board behavior that is detrimental to the working relationship between the Board and the Executive Director.

Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations

Executive Director communicates with CGO and VGO.  If the Executive Director’s opinion is validated, the Board will take appropriate measures to resolve the issue and restore the working relationship.


3.  Fail to report in a timely manner an actual or anticipated non-compliance with any Board policy including progress toward a solution.

Executive Director’s Interpretation

“Report” is the result of the Executive Director’s written correspondence between CGO & VGO. 

“Actual” is past or present whereas “Anticipated” is present or future.

“Any” is inclusive of all four policy quadrants and relevant to Board procedures.


Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations

Non-compliance is recorded in writing to the CGO and VGO so as to validate any situation resulting in non-compliance – actual or perceived.  The Board will take appropriate action to modify policies determinant upon the severity of the non-compliance.


Adopted:  June, 2007  |  Modified: January, 2013  |  Printed: January, 2013