The Executive Director shall not cause or allow any organizational practice, activity, decision or circumstance that violates historical orthodox biblical leadership standards. These include, but are not limited to, unlawful, imprudent and unethical business and professional practices.
Accordingly, the Executive Director shall not:
- Make policy decisions which fail to reflect a reasonable interpretation of related policies established by the Board;
Executive Director’s Interpretation
“Policy Decisions” refers to operational policy.
“Reasonable Interpretation” indicates being reasonable in the eyes of a majority of the Board. “Policies Established by the Board” refers to governance policies.
Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations
CommunityIMPACT, Inc. Foundational Statements / Ends guide and inform all governance and operational policies. Operational policies (which the Board does not review nor approve), are available upon a formal request by the Board of Directors.
- Fail to take prompt and appropriate action when the Executive Director becomes aware of any violation or potential violation of any laws, rules, or regulations, or of any possible breach of Board policies;
Executive Director’s Interpretation
“Prompt and Appropriate” relate to the nature of the violation of operational and governance policies.
“Potential Violations” will require immediate action to interrupt the progression of events/actions leading to a violation.
Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations
The Executive Director will immediately report violations of governance policy to the CGO. The CGO will decide on the appropriate action to be taken related to governance policy. The Executive Director shall keep a log of operational policy violations which will be shared with the Board, upon their request.
- Make negative public statements about the organization.
Executive Director’s Interpretation
“Negative” refers primarily to public statements. There is recognition that negative statements may be appropriate within the organization.
Means of Measuring Executive Director’s Compliance of His Interpretations
Board Members or staff who hear what they believe to be inaccurate or inappropriate statements by the Executive Director shall report them, in writing, to the CGO. Sufficient context including place, time, persons present, and situation, shall be given in the report. The CGO will promptly address the matter with the Executive Director. Before discussing the matter with others, including Board Members, the CGO shall present it to the Executive Director to determine the Executive Director rationale for the commitment and how it relates to the purpose of CommunityIMPACT, Inc..
Adopted: June, 2007 | Modified: January, 2013 | Printed: January, 2013